- export CVSROOT=:pserver:username@cvsserver.com:/repos
- cvs login
- cvs logout
This is the first step before any CVS command can be called.
- cvs checkout products/module
- Checkout source code in local directory, products/module
- cvs checkout -d module products/module
- Checkout source code in current directory ,module
Export is something like a Checkout command except there is not CVS folder, so you cannot update codes then.
- cvs export -D now products/module
- cvs export -D <datevalue> products/module
- cvs export -r tag products/module
- cvs update
- update current folder, include sub-folder
- cvs update file_name
- update a single fole
- cvs update -C file_name
- discard local modification
- cvs update -p -r1.2 file_name >file_name
- update to an old version, for example 1.2
- cvs add new_file
- add a file, a 'cvs commit' command is required later
- How to add a folder recursive
- cd fold_to_be_added
- enter to the folder to be added
- cvs import -m "Add a folder" products/module/fold_to_be_added INITIAL start
- products/module/fold_to_be_added is the destination CVS path to be added.
- cvs rm file_name
- a 'cvs commit' command is required later.
- How to delete a folder
- stupid CVS cannot let you delete a foler
- How to delete files recursively
- find . -type f ! -path \*CVS\* -exec rm {} \; -exec cvs remove {} \;
- Notice: folder and subfolder will not be deleted, only files are deleted.
- There is no solution to remove a file, but you can remove and add again
- mv oldfile newfile
- cvs remove oldfile
- cvs add newfile
- cvs commit -m "renamed old to new" oldfile newfile
- Notice: you cannot renmame a foler, because a folder cannot be deleted.
- cvs commit -m "write some comments here" file_name1 file_name2 ...
- cvs diff -r1.3 -r1.5 file_name
- diff 2 versions
- cvs diff file_name
- diff local changes
- cvs status file_name
- cvs history -c -a -D 2013-01-01 -p products/module
- cvs history -c -u username -D 2013-01-01 -p products/module
- cvs tag tagname products/module
- add tag
- cvs rtag tagname products/module
- add tag remotely, i.e,. don't need download a source code.
- cvs tag -d tagname products/module
- remove a tag
- cvs rtag -d tagname products/module
- remove a tag removely
- Create a branch
- cvs checkout -d module.branch products/module
- Checkout a copy source code from trunk
- cd module.branch
- cvs tag -b branch_name
- Checkout branch
- cvs checkout -d module.branch -r branch_name products/module
- Create a patch from source
- cvs diff > module.diff
- Apply patch
- patch -p0 <path_to_patch/module.diff
- patch -p1 -d module.branch <path_to_patch/module.diff